What is SEO Writing ?

What is SEO Writing and What are the “Must-Follows” of SEO Writing Rules? Learn it All!

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What is SEO Writing and What are the “Must-Follows” of SEO Writing Rules?


SEO writing is the application of key phrases and keywords within web-based content. SEO content writers use SEO to boost their website’s natural visibility as well as SERP rankings. The most effective way to write content for SEO is to match quality content with specific keywords for search.

In conventional copywriting techniques, the writer’s focus is on other objectives and not necessarily on making the product appear first in the result of a search engine query. These kinds of content may get to the user through an advertisement on TV or a brand name, however an SEO copywriter interacts with readers via the web. Professional content writing aims could include enough variety to cover SEO and traditional marketing results.

what is SEO Writing

What are the “Must-Follows” of the SEO Writing Rules?


1) Write for Humans

Find out who your readers are and write for them. SEO writing is just one aspect of SEO. A second important aspect of SEO is linking. Your content must draw backlinks from other websites to boost the SEO of your site. So, whatever you write needs to be written for the uman audience first. If it’s too robotic or has too many keywords some websites will not want to link to it in the future.


2) Make Use of Headings for Your Advantage

Headers can help Google’s web crawlers understand your blog post as well as the content within it. Consider crawlers as readers looking over your blog. They’re looking for an overview of what the article will be covering, and that’s your H1. Then, your H2s, the H3s and H4s breakdown the various subtopics in the article. Your subheaders must be a reflection of the content within the body and contain the most relevant keywords. When you select the appropriate keywords, which are those that your users are using, you will have a better chance of being ranked in the SERP.


3) Understand Google’s Algorithm

Know the most up-to-date algorithm of Google. Since it is the biggest search engine, it’s crucial to be aware of how to get more visitors to your website. They alter their algorithm for search frequently to ensure that high-quality websites get listed more prominently. Google is worried about having the search engine to be as efficient as it can be. If you know what search engines are searching for, you will be able to better give it to them.


4) Know How to Find Keywords

You must know how to conduct Keyword research and also how to select the most relevant keywords for the text you’re writing. This is a way to determine the popularity of the keyword that is and how to select long-tail keywords. The most popular search terms for a subject have plenty of competition to compete in the first few positions in search results. It is therefore essential to choose words that have some amount of search traffic. As an SEO writing expert must be able to evaluate the competition level for each keyword or phrase and select the most effective keywords to use.


5) Include Keywords in Your Meta Description

Are you including meta descriptions in your blog post? If the reply to the question is “no,” then you’re likely not giving your blog the maximum exposure. Let’s get deep into the reason why it is crucial. We’ve already talked about some of the ways that blog posts can communicate with Google Subheaders, Keywords and short snippets. It’s not a complete list. Meta descriptions are a different area Google explores to determine the ranking of a search result. Meta descriptions are one that contain three sentences which appear under the result’s title.

SEO Content Writing

6) Write Long Content

The Google Panda 4.1 algorithm update was put in place to reward longer, more informative content and to penalize poor quality content. A common rule of thumb is to make sure that every page has at least 1,000 words of quality information. Pages that are shorter may not be complex enough to meet the current algorithm requirements. Writing content that is longer also allows you to present data in various ways , including lists and tables. It is important to put many details on every page. Having various ways of presenting information can benefit both search engines and users.


7) Make Every Sentence Unique

Search engine algorithms are all rewarded for original content. If a portion of a webpage were copied from a different web page, it might get flagged as spam and subsequently given an unfavorable ranking.


8) Use Related Words

The most current algorithms scan for words that are common to the keywords you choose to use. This lets the search engine be aware of this content about the subject. It is not necessary to study which words to choose, since they’re typically the most basic words that a piece of content about this subject might use. If you’re not sure what to do with these words, you should study latent semantic indexing, and then apply that knowledge.


9) Links to Websites with High Authority

When you write your blog post, don’t hesitate to use a link externally. Linking to trusted websites is not just a way to provide readers of blogs with additional reading material to increase their knowledge, but can also signal to search engines that you’ve conducted the necessary research. Nothing enhances the quality of a blog article more than research-based statistics from reputable websites. The right statistics help you create more convincing arguments to increase the trust of your readers.


10) Compress Images for Fast Page Load Speed

Google recognizes websites with speedy load because it enhances your user’s experience. One of the main causes of slow page loading is the size of pictures that weigh a lot. If you’ve got a lot of images on your page and each one exceeds 100KB this can significantly affect the speed of your website. There are a lot of no-cost apps that reduce image size without sacrificing the quality. If you believe that your ranking has dropped because of slow page speeds visit Google’s Page Speed to get a free analysis and suggestions.

SEO Content Writing

11) Use Varied Content Types

A well-designed web page can comprise a variety of ways to share information. They may also include other kinds of media that support and enhance the content. Video content on the website is great to accomplish this. The use of helpful images is helpful to visitors. A lot of gray text is difficult for readers to comprehend. Separating it into smaller chunks helps it flow more smoothly and makes it easier to read.


How Long Does It Take to Work?

Based on different industry studies and a few of our own research, it requires about 100 days at most for content to become mature. “Mature” in this instance refers to the length of time it takes Google to rank your website in the SERPs. Prior to the hundred days of time, your rankings fluctuate a lot and sometimes appear on the first page, and on and other times dropping to Page 2.


In the background, Google is testing if your content will last — that is, if it’s valuable enough to stay on page 1. If after a period of 100 days or less your content has a high rank and is highly rated, it’s likely to remain there (until an opponent writes an article that is better and surpasses yours).


Don’t base your decisions or KPIs on the basis of immediate SEO performance. Positive results are accumulated with time, so be sure that your dedication towards SEO writing as well as content marketing is an ongoing one.